At St Bernadette’s, our computing curriculum aims to ensure that all pupils:
We endeavour to help our children to become successful users of a range of Information Technology so they can embrace the social, cultural and economic opportunities that instant global communication offers.
We also recognise that online safety education is crucial in ensuring that our children use social media safely, understand that they cannot trust everything that they read online, and know how to keep themselves safe. This is why internet safety is embedded in our curriculum.
At St Bernadette’s, we follow Switched On Computing as our Scheme of Work. In addition, we recognise that our children need essential skills such as efficient word processing and typing skills to comfortably access the ever-evolving world of technology in their future careers.
We teach computing discreetly and in a cross-curricular manner, including extra-curricular opportunities - to ensure the children have the opportunity to reinforce, challenge and extend their learning.
We use effective internet filtering and other protective measures to ensure that our children are able to use computing in a positive, safe manner. Our reporting system provides us with comprehensive details and alerts, monitored and maintained by our IT technician.
Our newly formed team of pupil STEM leaders ensure that our computing education reflects the evolving needs of our pupils to succeed in a highly competitive world, which is led by developments in computer technology. We engage with professionals who use computing in their day-to-day life to inspire and motivate our children. We run termly STEM focus days, ensure a computing focus when celebrating British Science Week and have introduced a careers fair this year to provide additional enthusiasm for all STEM subjects.