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St Bernadette's is an 'Outstanding Catholic School' (Section 48 Inspection 2021). We are an OFSTED 'Good School' with Outstanding features in 'Behaviour and Attitudes' and 'Personal Development' (Ofsted Inspection 2022)
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Ministerium Award

We are very excited to launch the Ministerium Award at St. Bernadette’s. We have been working alongside staff from St. Paul’s to create an award that the children can achieve in the areas of Theology, Prayer and Service. This award has been endorsed by Bishop David. All children who are interested will be given an evidence booklet to work through the challenges at their own pace. They will then have their evidence checked by staff members from the Healthy Spirit Team. The 3 levels that the children will achieve are bronze, silver and gold and they will be recognised for their achievements at special award ceremonies when they complete a level. Any child who moves on to St. Paul’s in Year 7 will then have the opportunity to continue with the secondary level Ministerium Award  throughout their time there.

We were delighted to announce in December that the first pupil to complete the Bronze Award is Laurissa in Y5 Falcon Class – congratulations Laurissa on this fantastic achievement!

If your child is interested in taking part in the Ministerium Award but has not commenced a booklet, please encourage them to ask their class teacher or Mrs Pughe for the Bronze Award Booklet. 
