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St Bernadette's is an 'Outstanding Catholic School' (Section 48 Inspection 2021). We are an OFSTED 'Good School' with Outstanding features in 'Behaviour and Attitudes' and 'Personal Development' (Ofsted Inspection 2022)
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Geography Intent


Geography lessons, delivered through St Bernadette’s Our World Curriculum, allow children to become inquisitive and active learners in the key areas of human and physical geography, developing their map skills and locational and place knowledge. Lessons are planned to build on prior learning and clear progression of these different areas have been mapped out. Geographical vocabulary is promoted throughout our school, vocabulary is shared, displayed and reinforced.


Exciting starting points are often used in our Geography topics to stimulate and engage children such as treasure hunts, local walks or drama workshops, this helps to motivate and develop pupils’ understanding further. Geography is taught through St Bernadette’s Our World Curriculum and meaningful links are made with other subject areas wherever appropriate. For example, in Year 5 whilst studying Water, the children learn about the water cycle, identify rivers and their features in the UK and use their mapping skills to identify rivers on UK maps. This learning then links to the exploration of the features of Viking Longships in history; the children design their own Viking Longboat figurehead, carry out investigations on water resistance in science lessons and study Monet’s paintings including The Waterlilies. The focus on water also links to their study Kensuke’s Kingdom in English lessons. This cross-curricular approach to learning allows children to contextualise their learning which supports enjoyment, engagement and transference of knowledge to their long term memory.

A real highlight to our curriculum are educational visits, including residential trips. These visits help to create excitement and a natural curiosity, deepen pupils knowledge and understanding. A real strength of St Bernadette’s Our World Curriculum, reinforced through Geography lessons, is our celebration and appreciation of the different countries and cultures we study.


Throughout our Geography curriculum we address and develop areas of the school and local area through assemblies and themed days, promoting responsibility for our environment and the world in which we live in. Our Eco and Community Mini Vinnies play an active part in promoting personal development and wellbeing and supporting pupils’ sense of responsibility as citizens of Milton Keynes, the UK and the world.

You can view the EYFS Understanding the World - Geography Curriculum Overview Below:

Geography Progression Document Key Stage 1

Geography Progression Document Lower Key Stage 2

Geography Progression Document Upper Key Stage 2


