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St Bernadette's is an 'Outstanding Catholic School' (Section 48 Inspection 2021). We are an OFSTED 'Good School' with Outstanding features in 'Behaviour and Attitudes' and 'Personal Development' (Ofsted Inspection 2022)
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School Admissions

Please click on the link below to watch a video tour of our wonderful school

Why not come and see our school in action?



Please book a tour via the school office 01908 692438.

Please remember to provide the office with a contact number.





Does your child start school for the first time in September 2024?

Are you looking for a happy, nurturing, local school that will enable your child to fulfil their true potential?

The application period closes on 15th January 2024

St Bernadette’s was built to serve the following parishes:


  • Our Lady of Lourdes (St Paul’s - Leadenall & Christ the Corner Stone - Centre MK),
  • Christ the King – Kents Hill
  • St Mary’s – Woburn Sands


We would be delighted to welcome your family into our school community.

You can find out more about our school via our website:


Here are some comments we have recently received from our parents:





Following our Parent Information Sessions for pupils joining nursery (FS1 - 5:30 pm 14th June) and reception classes (FS2 - 5:30 pm 25th June), you will be able to access the presentations below.

To apply for a place in Reception (FS2) at St Bernadette's for September 2024 (children born between 1st Sept 2019 and 31st August 2020), there are two necessary processes. Applications MUST be made via the council  - see link below. Additionally, supplementary forms should be completed and returned directly to the school - see documents below.

The Admissions policy contains paperwork which must be completed and returned to our school to support your application. If your child is Catholic, please provide a copy of your child's Baptismal Certificate as evidence to support your application. A formal application to the council MUST also be made for all applications to start Reception Class (FS2) in September.




In-Year Admissions to St Bernadette's


If your child attends a different school and you would like him/her to join St. Bernadette’s, then please download and return the completed form to the School office. Please refer to the Admissions Criteria within the Admissions Policy and complete the supplementary form within the policy if you wish your child to be considered on religious grounds.

Nursery (FS1)

The Governors are responsible for admissions at 3+ (FS1) and application details are available from the school office and can be downloaded above. However, the offer and acceptance of a 3+ place does not then automatically guarantee a place in the main school for Reception (FS2). 



Visiting the School

Tours for prospective families take place during the autumn term and additional visits can be arranged - please contact the school office.

Meetings for parents will be held throughout the school year and there are regular workshops to help parents support their children’s learning. 

In addition to the formal consultations, parents are also welcome at any other time but if you wish to discuss matters of importance or have a complaint, please make an appointment to see the class teacher.  If necessary, further appointments may be arranged to see the Inclusion Manager/Deputy Head/Head Teacher/Chair of Governors. Please note that just as you would not expect a member of staff to be rude or aggressive to you, the same consideration must be extended to members of staff and pupils.  Appropriate action will be taken to ensure that all members of our school community enjoy a safe and non-aggressive or violent environment.




Our Local Catholic Secondary School is St Paul's.

Click on the image below for admissions information


See also the video link below for an insight into life at St Paul's: 



