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St Bernadette's is an 'Outstanding Catholic School' (Section 48 Inspection 2021). We are an OFSTED 'Good School' with Outstanding features in 'Behaviour and Attitudes' and 'Personal Development' (Ofsted Inspection 2022)
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Music Intent

At St. Bernadette’s we believe that music is a unique and powerful form of communication that has the ability to reach out to anyone. It allows us to make strong links with our local and wider community. We pride ourselves on our singing strategy where children sing daily in their classrooms, in collective worships, on the playground and in choirs. Our excellent school choir performs regularly at school and community events and in partnership with our feeder secondary school, St. Paul’s.



Our musical curriculum aims to give children the opportunity to listen to, and appraise a range of music from different genres, styles and historical periods. Children explore a range of musical elements including pitch, tempo, form, using their voices and playing musical instruments. Our chosen scheme is ‘Music Express’ and this gives children the opportunity to explore composition as well as music notation.

Where appropriate, musical links enrich and complement the Our World- Wider Curriculum at St Bernadette’s. For example, when Year 6 studied the theme of ‘Africa’, they learnt about African rhythms and traditional songs, they also learnt songs and dance from our friends in Humanitas School, Ghana. When studying World War II, Year 3 learn some songs that were popular at that time and when Year 1 studied the Local Area, they linked music to the sounds they could hear around them in the locality.

Children in Year 4 receive whole class instrumental sessions where they learn world percussion including African drumming, Samba and tuned percussion provided by MK Music Hub. Many of our children continue learning a musical instrument within our school. Violin, cello and keyboard lessons are provided by MK Music Co-operative. Children can learn to play in a Rock band through our partnership Rocksteady. Children who play a musical instruments have their achievements celebrated at school through celebration assemblies and a Summer Concert each year. Termly concerts are also provided by Rocksteady.

Our children's team of Mini Vinnies wrote the lyrics to our School Song - 'We are St Bernadette's'. Click on the link below to hear the whole school singing it.

School Song.mp3


We are St. Bernadette’s


We are St. Bernadette’s,

We are a school that works with God,

We come to our school every day.

To learn and to grow with the Lord,

Our faith will grow, with love we show,

We are a united team.


Verse 1

Here at our school our friendships build,

A friendship that never ends,

We show our respect to everyone

By living a life through Christ.


Verse 2

St. Bernadette’s our patron saint,

In a grotto she saw Mary.

She trusted the Lord with all her heart.

She did and so should we.

You can view the EYFS Music Curriculum Overview Below:

Music Progression Document Y1-6 Term 1


Music Progression Document Y1-6 Term 2

Music Progression Document Y1-6 Term 3

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