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St Bernadette's is an 'Outstanding Catholic School' (Section 48 Inspection 2021). We are an OFSTED 'Good School' with Outstanding features in 'Behaviour and Attitudes' and 'Personal Development' (Ofsted Inspection 2022)
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FS1 Acorns

Maths day

The children were encouraged to be Mathematicians for the day. As the children have shown an interest in Easter, we decided to have an Easter themed Maths day. 


Easter Egg hunt


The children enjoyed completing an Easter egg hunt in the forest school. It was eggcellent!!


If we are forced to close due to the coronavirus, work will be uploaded to Google Classroom. Please click below for instructions on how to login to Google Classroom.

We had a visit from Fr. Brendan. He talked to us about his job as a Priest and we asked him some questions.

For our topic on 'Dinosaurs' We have been learning a new song. 'The prehistoric animal brigade'


You can practise at home by using this link:-



We are learning the school song and we would appreciate your help at home. I have attached the words and music! Good luck and happy singing.

Words for our school song

Music for our song
