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St Bernadette's is an 'Outstanding Catholic School' (Section 48 Inspection 2021). We are an OFSTED 'Good School' with Outstanding features in 'Behaviour and Attitudes' and 'Personal Development' (Ofsted Inspection 2022)
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St Bernadette's School Uniform Policy


The School Jumper, cardigan and tie are ordered through School Gateway or directly from our suppliers 'Maisies'.  


The rest of the uniform, including PE kit with the school logo, can be ordered as described above. Alternatively most items (exceptions = school jumper/cardigan and tie) can be bought at local supermarkets.


We hold regular second-hand uniform sales and enquiries about second hand uniform can be made to the school office.

Boys' UniformGirls' Uniform

Jumper with school logo 

White Shirt  (white polo shirt in Saplings Class)

School Tie  (Y1-6)

Navy School Trousers

Formal Navy School Shorts if preferred during hot summer months

Black School Shoes

Plain white, navy, grey or black socks

Jumper or cardigan  with school logo 

White Shirt  (white polo shirt in Saplings Class)

School Tie  (Y1-6)

Navy Skirt, Pinafore Dress or Navy School Trousers                        

Formal Navy School Shorts or navy/white checked school dress

if preferred during hot summer months      

Black School Shoes    

Plain white, navy, grey or black socks or tights

PE Uniform:

Plain navy blue PE shorts or plain navy blue jogging bottoms

Plain white t-shirt

Plain navy blue hoody (in cooler weather).

PE kit with the school logo can be bought from the School Gateway and does look particularly smart but this is not essential. If you choose not to buy the items with the school logo, please ensure that the PE kit worn by your child is smart, fulfills the given description and has no company/brand logo, pattern, lines or additional colours.


Any hair accessories should be purely functional (e.g. to tie hair back), small and in school colours. Oversized or colourful hair bows/decorations, shaved patterns or lines in the children’s hair, colourful hair extensions and colourful weaves are not be permitted. Nail varnish should not be worn. Any earrings worn should be small studs and should be removed on PE days.


Additional, non-essential items can also be purchased from Masies such as: fleece, summer dress, PE Bags and Book Bags

