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St Bernadette's is an 'Outstanding Catholic School' (Section 48 Inspection 2021). We are an OFSTED 'Good School' with Outstanding features in 'Behaviour and Attitudes' and 'Personal Development' (Ofsted Inspection 2022)
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History Intent

At St Bernadette’s Catholic Primary School, we are constantly striving to ensure pupils gain coherent knowledge and understanding of Britain’s past and that of the wider world. The teaching of historical knowledge and skills is carefully planned and clear progression ensures children build on their prior learning and make secure links to other areas of the curriculum. History, at St Bernadette’s, allows children to compare and contrast, to examine how and why things have changed, to learn about key characters from history and to develop their research skills.


We want our children to understand how people have lived in the past, to compare this to modern life and know that society today is built on the events of the past. 

We believe the study of history inspires children’s curiosity, encourages them to ask critical questions and enables them to have a better understanding of the society in which they live and that of the wider world. They will work as historians where they will critically analyse different sources of information. History studies help children to gain a sense of their own identity within a social, political, cultural and economic background. 


At our school we aim to provide first hand experiences with role play, class visits, trips, workshops and visiting experts. History is taught through St Bernadette’s Our World Curriculum and meaningful links are made with other subject areas wherever appropriate. For example, in Year 1, whilst studying journeys, the children have learnt about Bessie Coleman, the first black female pilot and the Wright brothers. They have also looked at changing cars and trains through history. They carry out a visit to Shuttleworth to enhance their knowledge and understanding. Their studies have linked to Geography through journey-planning and they have taken a local train trip and learnt how to identify airports, canals train stations using maps. Their learning is further enhanced through links to the science curriculum and the study of materials and their properties which has, in turn, supported their designing and making of a sail boat and a vehicle with wheels made from recycled material.

Through the subject of history, children learn to make comparisons and links between the past and modern times and discover how and why things have changed. St Bernadette pupils learn about people and events in the past, in Britain and the wider world, and realise how these have influenced our lives today. They are taught how to investigate and record their findings in interesting and creative ways. 

You can view the EYFS Understanding the World (History) Curriculum Overview Below:

History Progression Document Key Stage 1

History Progression Document Lower Key Stage 2

History Progression Document Upper Key Stage 2
