The Structure of the RSHE Curriculum
Catholic schools are required to deliver RSHE in accordance with the teaching of the Church. RSHE is part of the mission of Catholic schools to educate the whole person. At St Bernadette’s, RSHE is taught as part of a holistic education, which seeks to form as well as inform young people in preparation for adult life.
In 2023-24, in line with Diocesan protocol, we launch a new RSHE programme – Ten:Ten Life to the Full. It is based on the structure of the CES model curriculum which was highlighted as a work of good practice by the Department of Education. It is in line with statutory guidance issued by the Department for Education and with the key content/concepts agreed through previous consultations.
The RSHE programme is also enriched and complemented by our Virtues curriculum; the RE curriculum, the Science National Curriculum, Computing and Online Safety materials and NSPCC and other safeguarding resources, additional focus weeks such as Anti-Bullying Week and Mental Health Week and tailored resources supporting ongoing positive mental health and positive behaviour all ensure full, enriching and engaging RSHE curriculum.
The Programme, ‘Ten:Ten Life to the Full’ is the recommended resource for Northampton Diocese because it is compiled specifically to present a Catholic vision.
In each year group, an aspect of love is explored and developed starting from Early Years to Key Stage Two. Young people are encouraged to marvel at the wonder and beauty of God’s creative love reflected in each person under three key modules: Created and Loved by God; Created to Love Others; Created to Live in Community.
Each of the three modules are underpinned by specific themes (units) which are revisited and built upon in a sequential and age-appropriate manner.
Modules: | Created and Loved by God explores the individual. Rooted in the teaching that we are made in the image and likeness of God, it helps children to develop an understanding of the importance of valuing themselves as the basis for personal relationships.
| Created to Love Others explores the individual’s relationships with others. Building on the understanding that we have been created out of love and for love, this unit explores how we take this calling into our family, friendships and relationships, and teaches strategies for developing healthy relationships. | Created to Live in Community explores the individual’s relationship with the wider world. Here we explore how human beings are relational by nature and are called to love others in the wider community through service, through dialogue and through working for the Common Good. |
Units: | Religious understanding Me, My Body, My Health Emotional Wellbeing Life Cycles | Religious Understanding Personal Relationships Life Online Keeping Safe | Religious Understanding Living in the Wider World |
These areas of learning are taught within the context of family life promoted within the teachings of the Catholic Church, whilst ensuring that there is no stigmatism of children based on their home circumstances. Our teaching sensitively recognises that some children may have a different structure of support around them.
Early Years | Created and Loved by God | Created to Love Others | Created to Live in Community |
• Our uniqueness in real terms • Celebrating differences, talents and abilities • Looking after and using our bodies • The necessity of when and how to say sorry • Jesus’ forgiveness and growing up as God’s plan for us | Unit 2: Personal Relationships • Different family/friend relationships • Features of positive/negative behaviour in relationships • The importance of saying sorry and forgiveness within relationships Unit 3: Keeping Safe • Practical ways to stay safe inside and out • Practical ways to stay safe online when playing games • Staying safe around medicines • People who help us in emergencies | • Children will learn that God is three in one: Father, Son and Holy Spirit • Know that they are loved and called to love others • Learn about the different communities they are part of and the responsibilities they have to them | |
Key Stage One (Y1-Y2) | • We are uniquely made by a loving God • We have differences and similarities • Key information about staying physically healthy • Understanding feelings and emotions, including strong feelings such as anger • The cycle of life from birth to old age (and death - Year 2 only) | Unit 2: Personal Relationships • ‘Special people’ in their lives who they love and can trust • Coping with various social situations and dilemmas • The importance of saying sorry and forgiveness within relationships Unit 3: Keeping Safe • The risks of being online • The difference between good and bad secrets • Teaching on physical boundaries • The effects of harmful substances • Some basic First Aid | • Children understand that God is love: Father, Son and Holy Spirit • Learn that being made in His image means being called to be loved and to love others • Learn about the various communities they belong to: home, school, parish, the wider community, the nation and the global community • Know that God calls us to live in community with one another |
Lower Key Stage 2 (Y3-Y4) | • Understanding differences • Respecting our bodies • Changing bodies (Y4 only) . (Y4 Girls only – Puberty menstruation) • Strategies to support emotional wellbeing Including practising thankfulness • The cycle of life from birth to old age and death | Unit 2: Personal Relationships • Different family structures • Activities and strategies for developing healthy relationships with family and friends • Techniques for managing thoughts, feelings and actions Unit 3: Keeping Safe • Online safety • Teaching on bullying and abuse • The effects of drugs, alcohol and tobacco • The crucial role of First Aid in emergency situations | • Children will develop a deeper understanding that God is love as shown by the Trinity • Understand that the human family reflects the Holy Trinity in mutual charity and generosity • Know that the Church family comprises of home, school and parish • Catholic Social Teaching on what it means to work for the Common Good |
Upper Key Stage 2 (Y5-Y6) | • Appreciation of physical and emotional differences • A more complex understanding of physical changes in girls’ and boys’ bodies • Body image • Strong emotional feelings • The impact of the internet and social media on emotional well-being • A more nuanced and scientific understanding of life in the womb and how babies are made (Year 6 only) • Menstruation | Unit 2: Personal Relationships • Strategies for more complex experiences of relationships and conflict • How to identify and respond to spoken and unspoken pressure • The concept of consent • Further teaching on how our thoughts and feelings impact on how we act Unit 3: Keeping Safe • Risks of sharing and chatting online • A more complex understanding of different forms of abuse (Year 6) • How drugs, alcohol and tobacco can negatively affect people’s lifestyles • Essential First Aid such as DR ABC and the recovery position | • Children will know that God is Trinity – a communion of persons • Learn that the Church is the body of Christ • Develop a deeper and richer understanding of Catholic social teaching • Learn how certain charities reach out to the wider community with love |
Further information for parents about FGM (covered in Y6 programme) and other safeguarding issues can be found on the Keeping Safe pages of our school website
We run an annual parent information session to share the materials we use to teach our RSHE curriculum. The presentation from the most recent session can be seen below:
Christian Virtues form an integral part of our education at St Bernadette's. Find out more by following the link below.