St Bernadette’s Parents Association are a group of parents, carers and teachers who work together to provide extra educational and fun opportunities for all the pupils at our school.
We organise a vast programme of fundraising events each year, which include an International evening, the children’s Christmas Shop and our much loved discos, book sale, preloved uniform sale. The proceeds from these events are used by the school to fund purchases that would not otherwise be possible. We contribute towards big projects such as the trim trail, as well as other smaller items that really enrich the children's learning.
We are always delighted to welcome new faces. It’s a great way to get to know other parents and teachers, as well as knowing that you have made a difference to the life of St Bernadette’s School.
We would like to thank everyone for their continual support of all of our fundraising events. We hope that you and your family enjoy the events and will continue to support them by offering donations, helping out or simply by turning up to take part!
What can I do to help? (We can hear you ask...!!)
International Festival – come and celebrate your culture. Bring along a traditional dish to share with everyone and walk through the continents experiencing different customs, traditions and food!!!
Christmas Shop – come along and be a shopkeeper for the day! Help the children buy their special presents for their mums and dads. It’s a lovely way to spend the day during the festive period and the children love it.
Discos – come and join in with the madness! We need people to help supervise and provide drinks and snacks for the children.
2nd hand uniform sales - hold on to any good quality uniform and PE kit as your child outgrows them and donate them to the school ready for a sale. Come along to the sale and pick up a uniform at bargain prices.
Summer Picnic – join us at our summer picnic. We will have refreshments and cake for sale but you can bring your own picnic.
If you’d like to help out at the event or have any suggestions or comments just speak to a member of the committee.
The committee is made up of:
Chair – Alison Upton
Vice Chair – Zohreh Mahnaei
Treasurer – Emma Watkins
Secretary – Katie Simpson
Committee Member – Pete Tompkins
Committe Member- Heidi Green
New ideas for events, donations and contributions are always welcome. Please contact us by email or by stopping any member of the committee our address is